
What do you like most about Flexibank?

The knowledge that team members are trained by the Group.

How does Flexibank differ from other agencies?

Flexibank members are trained to the same standards as our permanent team members and are familiar with our documentation.

How has Flexibank benefitted your home?

We can block book team members, which gives us continuity.

Does having Flexibank also benefit your wider team and the residents? If yes, please describe how.

The team and residents get to know the Flexibank members well and build strong relationships with them.

What training did you and your team receive to use Flexibank?

We received online training.

Who posts the shifts in your home?

Myself or our Administrator.

What roles and shifts do you most frequently advertise?


Do you find adding shifts onto the system easy? How long does it take?

Very easy as it only takes a few minutes!

Do you easily fill your shifts? How quickly do you get a response?

It has been difficult as we have not required lots of shifts recently but this will possibly change as we are struggling to fill our full-time Nurse vacancy.

Are there any challenges with using Flexibank?

Our only challenge is trying to find Nurses at short notice due to the current restrictions.

If you are happy to, please give in your own words a sentence or two about what you love most about Flexibank.

We love our Nurse Emma who is doing regular shifts!